Friday, April 22, 2011


I love Silhouettes. Aren't they so pretty? Simple.Classic.Interesting. I love how they are so simple, yet evoke such imagination... they are like black and white photos, you get to insert your own colors and emotion into the image before you. With that in mind I dedicate this post to some fabulous Silhouettes I have found... These adorable tees are from "Oh Fiddlesticks" {I have a button to their page on my page} I love them! I became an instant fan as soon as I saw the first one pictured... You have to check out this photographer Laura Winslow too, she has photographed all of their clothing, I love the vividness of her photos. Another favorite of mine is linked to these two... The Tomkat Studio, this girl knows how to design. Her party inspirations are my favorite! She designed a whole party around the pink silhouette tee... Amazing!

Back to the subject of my post. I became a recent fan of "Le Papier Studio" They create anything and everything into your very own silhouette art... the options are endless, so rather than me tell you what they can do, I added a button to the side bar of my blog that will take you to their blog. Here are just a few examples to wet your palate...

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